Why would a player want to improve at chess? Everyone has a different target: Some people just want to win when playing with their friend, especially because they lost every game so far, some want to play at a porfessional level, and others simply want to enjoy the benefits of learning the game. I want to help you achieve all of those things, and also be even more passionate about the game than you are right now, so let me guide you through this journey that may be a bit hard in the beginning, but certanly beautiful and fulfilling as well.
My Chess Career:
Learn from a tilted player how to play the opening "like a book", the middlegame "like a magician" and the endgame "like a machine", so you can improve your game in no time. My name is Ionuț-Alexandru Dobrin (for short Alex), and this is how i managed to become the player that I am now today:
Benefits of Learning Chess: